Shopping for Shadows [Archives]

These photos are from a recent trip I took to the mall with my girlfriend. I don't usually bring my camera with me into indoor public spaces (malls, stores, markets, etc.), but here's to trying new things! I really like how these photos turned out. The ever shifting patterns of light and shadow painted over the bustling crowds and unmoving architecture definitely added an unpredictable element of drama and depth to the images; they're almost like scenes.

I've also been heavily into black and white photography these days, the depth and texture is unmatched in my opinion. I don't know what it is, but details just seem to POP amongst varying shades of gray. Don't get me wrong, I still got those dope colors, but my bias definitely shows here. Anyway, enough words, I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

Til next time, enjoy the visuals!


Self Portraits = Self Care [Archives]